Nothing is Impossible.

It’s been months since I have been able to take the time & put my thoughts into words. My other blog has had some complications so I am starting brand new! For those who haven’t followed me before, my name is Kimm & aside from my full time job, I have been a personal trainer for over 5 years. This is my true passion & hope to open my own fitness center in the future. I have learned so much over the past years about fitness, nutrition & especially about people. Anyone going through a weight loss or lifestyle change experiences so many different challenges & I enjoy taking the time to help them achieve their goals. I have met so many amazing people along this journey; some who have succeeded & some who have failed…but either way, they all have learned one important lesson- nothing worth having comes easy!

So, the question is R U Fabulously Fit?! Do you take care of yourself, mentally & physically? Does life get in the way of the time you could be putting towards yourself? Do you use ridiculous excuses why you can’t workout today? Too tired, too sore, didn’t eat enough, no time? NO EXCUSE. There is no doubt that at times life can seem way too crazy to fit in a workout or find the time to prepare your meals, but if you stop & remove all of the “craziness” in life, all thats left is YOU. Nothing is more important than YOU. You only get one body, if you screw it up now.. you will be the one who has to live with it, no one else. Will you tell yourself when you are overweight that you are too tired? Probably, because you will be. Your body takes a turn for the worse if there is too much body fat with more of a possibility of diabetes, slower heartrate (metabolism), more of chance of a heartattack or sickness. To avoid all of this, find 30 minutes a day (or more) & give your body the time it deserves. Put the candy bar down & think about the results rather than the now. Whats stopping you?