Happy New Rear!

Happy 2015!!! I can’t believe we are into a New Year already! If you are anything like me, December was an eating fest and I’m to the point where I’m saying to myself, “I never want to look at food again.” Obviously, that’s impossible & as unhealthy as it gets, but it is time to get back into my everyday healthy eating & constant workouts in order to stay well, strong and in shape. I don’t necessarily give myself a “resolution” to try and stick to because my mind plays tricks with me and I usually wind up doing the opposite of whatever I try and “promise” I wont eat/do. I don’t believe in “diets” & I definitely do not recommend cutting out an entire food group expecting results. Everything in moderation has worked for so many people and its the only way to live a balanced life. One simple change can make quite the difference, start today!

As I look back on 2014, I believe last year really changed me as a person. I challenged myself, I took myself out of my comfort zone quite a bit & I think 2015 can only be better if I continue to reach for greatness. Although starting a fitness business of my own would be a dream come true, financially I am not ready to do so. I have always tried to stay level headed and always try to remember that great things comes to those who wait. Since fitness is not yet incorporated into my full-time job, after a long day sitting in an office environment, I am always struggling to make sure I push myself to try new workouts & help others do the same. This year I incorporated running into my regimen and I must say, it is definitely not easy. Not only is running difficult on your all of your muscles & painful (a good pain) throughout the legs, it is mentally one of the hardest workouts I’ve done. If you are not mentally together during a run, it really affects the distance and time you put in. If you begin a workout, whether its running or another vigorous activity, with a negative mindset, nothing good will come of the time you are putting in. With a positive attitude comes positive results. Always try and remember that you can do ANYTHING you want to do, but it will take time. The first time I ran, I couldn’t get passed a mile without gasping for air and complaining about leg pain. Every day I added an extra block or one extra minute and from there I kept pushing until I didn’t think I could go anymore. That is the only way to make it happen. Push yourself to the limit. No one is going to get you to the finish line, its all on you. Its just a matter of how badly you want to get there.

Begin this year with all good things. Set your mind to something, something huge. It doesn’t even have to be accomplished by the end of this year but it’s always good to set your goals and shoot for the moon. You know what they say, if you fall, you may land on a star!