Thank You!!

I would like to just take a second & thank those of you for sending me some of the nicest emails I’ve ever received. Some were generic thank you’s for my blogs but others gave specific ways I’ve helped them whether it was their weight loss stories, new eating habits or incorporating happiness & peace in their own lives. I am just a normal girl with a 9-5 day job who personal trains & teaches classes at night. My goal for the future is to open my own fitness center & focus on my high passion for health, fitness & life in general. I am not a celebrity & don’t make any money off writing my ideas down; no amount of money could pay me better than the way I feel to hear I am helping others just by a simple blog. Some of my thoughts are my own opinions & others are facts, but it all comes down to one thing..anything is possible. If you truly love what you do, you will never feel like you have to work a day in your life.. & I truly believe that based on own my life.

Thank you again!!