I Motivate You to Motivate Yourself…

No matter how dedicated we are, there are always days we lose motivation to exercise & think of every excuse in the book why we can’t make it to the gym that day. Before you order that movie on demand, here are some helpful hints to get you back on track…

~always think about the way you feel AFTER the workout. Other than sweaty, don’t you feel accomplished, eager to eat healthy & more lightweight? & those are only the ones you feel, how about the other great benefits… healthy heart, more flexability & stronger lungs. Sounds good to me!
~get some great music on your ipod & that will help you get through the workout so much quicker. If you are enjoying the music & pumps you up, your music will help you move even more!
~reward yourself.. no not with french fries & a cheeseburger, go shopping… see how great those clothes fit because of your dedication at the gym. Nothing is greater than fitting into the clothes at your favorite store in a smaller size 🙂
~get new sneakers…theres nothing worse than a sore foot or calf. New sneakers will help you keep your feet protected. They will also put a spring in your step & make your workouts more enjoyable.
~train for an event. A local walk, run, triathalon… something to motivate you to be able to finish the event with no problem. Commit yourself to training & show them what you got! The finish line is your goal!

Keep a positive attitude & anything can be accomplished. Yes, a glass of wine & a movie with Channing Tatum sounds wonderful, but those are great ways to relax after your workout (1 glass of red wine, that is).

Enjoy your day!!