What Really Works?!

Walk into any magazine aisle & glance across the row of options, how many of those magazines & tabloid newspapers promise to give you the best working weight loss tips out there? Drink this, eat that & you can have Jennifer Aniston’s body in 6 days! Really?! Did you ever think how obnoxious that sounds? Could it be the fact that she has good genetics? or maybe that she has a live-in cook who probably isn’t whipping her up fried chicken cutlets & Rice o’Roni for dinner. Celebrity “diets” & “magic weight losses” are great headlines for their product in order to make money. They know people will buy their product & test out these tricks hoping to be the next Kim Kardashian. Most celebrities are permanently under the spotlight, followed by the media obsessed with body image. Beyonce went from looking extremely pregnant to 130 pounds 2 weeks after giving birth. A celebrity trainer is probably living in her home; strength & cardio training her for 3 hours a day is the most reasonable cause of her weight loss. That is not magic, that is hard work for a very high price. For us normal everyday people, there are definitely tricks to help jump-start that weight loss goal of yours, but keep in mind, it won’t happen over night. There is no such thing as a overnight weight loss… if you stay motivated & follow the tips I’ve listed below, along with a healthy eating plan & regular fitness schedule, you will see noticeable changes.

~Replace your breakfast with a clean whey protein shake. Whey protein is a very easily and quickly absorbed protein. Starting your day with a shake will give your metabolism a jump-start & your body will be ready to burn fat rather than store fat. You will also feel energized & satisfied leaving you full for hours. Whey protein is pure, clean & has the highest biological value of any protein. When purchasing your whey, look for one that contains all 8 essential amino acids, has a low sugar & cholesteral count & is low in calories.

~Drink enough water. You hear all the time “drink water” but do you wonder how water can help you lose weight? If you replace your soft drinks & other beverages with water, this will lead to weight loss. Water gives you that feeling of fullness which wil result in consuming less & as facts show, if you consume less, you won’t gain as much. Studies show people who drink two cups of water before a meal lose 30% more weight than those who don’t. Try to incorporate this into your lifestyle. 1-2 cups before each meal & notice the difference in your intake. Also, remember to always consume water during & after your workouts to restore those electrolytes.

~No carbs (snacking) after dinner. It’s really not as hard as it sounds. It will take about a week for your mind to adjust to this change, but you will see quick results by only having a small amount of whole grain carbs at dinner. Try & eat your carbs for lunch & snacks throughout the day, that way you won’t crave them so much at & after dinner.

Other silly tricks that might work for you:
-hang up a picture of yourself (on the fridge) at your heaviest, it will remind you to keep the ice cream tucked away.
-brush your teeth right after dinner. It will keep you from snacking all the way until bedtime.
-drink warm lemon water all day long
-try getting into a pair of jeans that you know are too tight. This is a great reminder to skip the mall & get to the gym.
-put those extremely tight pants on & keep them on during dinner. Lets see how it affects your decision on what to order.

Weight loss takes time, be patient with yourself, stay dedicated & determined & the results will come to you!

until tomorrow… xo