Through the Eyes of a Personal Trainer…

As a personal trainer for over 6 years, I have met tons of people.. some with a clue on how to stay healthy & in shape & some with no clue in the world. I train my clients so they are able to walk away from our sessions & feel like they have learned about their bodies & how to take care of them. I cannot control everything they are eating & I cannot force them into the gym when we are not scheduled to meet, but I can help motivate them to want to get to the gym & eat right at the same time. Before personal training with me, a lot of my clients dreaded walking into the gym. To them it was just a boring hour doing a certain number of reps per week without any improvement in fitness performance. I try & change their fitness views for the better. This is not my full-time job, this is what I love to do after work in order to help people better themselves. I give my 100% during my sessions & I am always researching new techniques, new exercises, new strategies in order to keep things different for myself & especially my clients. I hope to use all of my experience & love for this passion & open my own gym one day. I make the hour as valuable to them as it is to myself, lets face it.. not everyone has the time & money to spend with a personal trainer 2x a week. I work my hardest to give them the results they strive for & hope they take my advice & continue to stay on their A game outside of the gym.

Some people think personal training is a waste of time, why spend all that money for someone to tell you to do 15 bicep curls? This is why doing your research on personal training & choosing the right trainer is necessary. Every trainer has their own style & you have the ability to choice which trainer’s style is better for you. I, for example have asked old clients if it would be okay to give new, interested clients their contact information, so they can ask them specific information about me & my training style. Me trying to sell you a package giving you all of my great assets is nothing compared to a recommendation.

Here are four ways & reasons to hire a personal trainer…
~Have you hit a plateau? Zumba class not helping you get the results you want? Just an FYI-Zumba is a cardio, fun dance class.. it will not leave you with a 6pack of abs. Are you consistently doing the same workout over & over again & wonder why your arms aren’t developing? Your eating habits could be a huge factor as to why… but how do you know what to eat in order to help your muscles grow? A personal trainer will be able to evaluate why you aren’t seeing results. We can help you see where you could make some changes for more effective results. An extra plus is we can help determine if the goals you’ve set for yourself are realistic & also help you stay motivated throughout the course of your training.

~Need a challenge? How many seconds can you hold yourself up in a plank? Until it hurts? That’s funny, because its supposed to hurt. Nothing comes easy, a personal trainer can motivate you & keep you up in that plank longer than you thought possible. One……..More…….Rep can go a long way!

~New to exercise? Don’t know the difference between your gluteus maximus & the gluteus minimus muscle? Why would you? As a beginner you are more than likely to obtain an injury due to lack of good form. We could be your ultimate coach to get you the results you always hoped for as well as learn about your bodies & what exercises work better than others. We will introduce you to a simple & effective routine that will help you build muscles, your confidence & your knowledge of the gym!

Also, remember when choosing a personal trainer, they should have a certification, a CPR certification & they should be willing to give you 100% during your sessions. Your money should be spent on someone who will make your money worth spending with a guaranteed result at the end.

If you have any specific or other infromation, please feel free to email me, always happy to help!
Kimm xo