L I F E….

Happy Monday!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday & can get back on track with their eating. Holidays are really nice to get together with family & friends, but I always hate being around so much food, its so tempting!!…. although, its always good to take a day & enjoy all of lifes wonderful treats & good food :)As I was sitting around the table yesterday, I started to think about how lucky I am to have a beautiful family, lots of food on the table, a beautiful home…things in which a lot of people aren’t blessed with. I have had my fair share of disappointments in life but they only led me to lessons learned. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned so far in life…
~Failures are the stepping stones to success. Without failing, we will never learn how to succeed. So instead of trying to avoid failure, accept your failures & move on. Also, mistakes happen to everyone. They are a great way to learn. Don’t beat yourself up over a mistake, just try not to repeat the same ones too often.
~The destination is nothing compared to the journey. We’re always so worried about achieving our goals & the end result, we miss all of the great experiences throughout the journey. Relax & enjoy the ride.
~”Expectations” can ruin many things. When you have expectations.. of a person, of a job, of an experience… you set yourself up for disappointment. Nothing is (usually) ever as great as you imagine it to be. You set up an “idealized version” instead of experiencing reality as it is.
~Don’t ever give up on yourself. There is always room to grow, to learn, to make yourself better. Learn new things, take a class on something you never knew how to do, get a certification of something that could challenge you, never stop reading & educating yourself. The smarter & more intelligent you are, the more people will portray you as a great person to know & they will respect you more.
~Some people obsess about details, and miss out on the fun. I for one am obsessed with checklists, planning, working too much & admit I find myself missing out on the fun part of life sometimes. Many times I have thrown out my lists & just went with the flow. Although I was out of my element, it felt good to just go against the grain & have fun with it.
~Don’t be afraid to be afraid. I have taught a new fitness class for a couple of months now & I admit I am still scared out of my mind everytime I walk into that room. Why? Am I afraid to fail? Am I afraid people won’t like my class? Whatever it is, I still go back week by week & teach that class because even if I do fail, it won’t kill me or hurt me, it will just make me want to try harder next time.
~ If you find yourself swimming with all the other fish, go the other way. They don’t know where they’re going either.

Don’t go through life unnoticed….
Until tomorrow xo