Warning Signs It’s Time To Get Fabulously Fit…

Happy Wednesday!! Working in a 24 story building has it’s benefits (climbing stairs is a great exercise to do during the day) but also gets me really nervous. With the amount of out of shape people there are in this building, I worry about how they are getting themselves down those stairs during a fire drill or (god forbid) a fire. It’s March 14th, how many of those peoples “get into shape” resolutions do you think have stuck? It’s time to wake up and smell the muscle milk, your health comes first. Here are 3 tips to recognize that you are basically out of shape….

~No Energy? Are you exhausted by the time you get home from work that you can’t even get yourself to go for a walk or do something as simple as the laundry? Feeling sluggish after that mid-day snack? YOUR OUT OF SHAPE. Get yourself active (& outside if possible) for at least 15 minutes a day & you will see results quickly. Fresh air is great for your lungs & exercise is great for your overall self, its a win-win situation!

~Overweight? Can’t walk down a few flights of stairs without seeing stars? You are in a hurry to your car & you get out of breath quickly? YOUR OUT OF SHAPE. Start taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Take your time & don’t rush this process, it will take time for your body & mind to understand what is going on (be sure to always stretch your legs before & after this exercise, your calf muscles are not used to all of this activity so by stretching them you are preventing them of tightening up.)

~Feeling depressed? Even though depression is known to be a chemical imbalance in your brain, exercise & keeping active have been known to be effective. Exercise = endorphins = natural pain & stress fighters. Also, if you are outside, sunlight is also known to help your mood, which again can be quite effective if you are feeling down.

There is no greater feeling than the feeling you get after a workout. Not only are you improving your physical appearance but you are improving your stamina, increasing your lifespan & much more. Not only does exercise make your body work better, it makes you feel better too.

Tomorrow I will fill you in on a few ways exercise can help you live a happier life! … have a happy day!