Personal Training

Beginner Program

The beginner program is dedicated to provide a non-intimidating environment, helping you achieve real results, and making sure that you are successful in safely reaching and maintaining your goals. Everybody has different goals, some with past injuries, some who have never worked out before… I will work with you to create an ideal program that will help you to get results to fit your budget. Each program will include manual resistance, body weight exercises, free weights, functional training, stretching and much more. This is the ideal way to keep you moving and injury free. R U….ready to get started?

Intermediate / Advanced “Marine Style” Program

My “Marine Styled Program” is an efficient and challenging workout for those somewhere in the range of intermediate to advanced. If you are tired of the conventional “machine” workout, and lead a busy life, this program is for you. While using a variety of exercise equipment, including your body, your physical and mental transformation will begin. The benefits you receive will outweigh the time and effort you will put in.

If you make the commitment to become the best version of you, I will make the commitment to help you through the process. I will give you all that I have to give. I will keep the routines fresh and exciting, that you will not even know that you’re working your muscle groups simultaneously. By doing this, you will maximize your workout, therefore your calorie burn will be much greater. What is even better, is that you will continue to burn calories even after you’re done. You owe this to yourself. Keep life interesting and fun while you are getting into the greatest shape of your life. There really is no reason not to. Trust me, you’ll be better off in a short time in many different aspects of your life. You’ll sleep better, which means you will wake up easier and less tired. You will feel better, and you will look like never before. Yesterday you said tomorrow. Tomorrow you will wish that you had started today. It’s time. R U… up for the challenge?