Post Workout Bloopers.

Ever finish a great workout & an hour later you find yourself eating everything in sight? Most people get extremely hungry after a workout which makes it harder to resist the food around you. It seems like it’s easier to eat more than you should be or choose foods that might not be the best recovery foods. Choosing the wrong foods will cause your body to store that food as fat rather than fuel & repair the muscles. Also, most people don’t realize how important it is to drink water after your workout. You lose about one quart of fluid per hour of exercise, so you will need to refuel with water to aid the recovery process. 16-20 ounces of water should be your goal to drink post-workout.You take the time & energy to get a workout in, don’t waste your time & make these post-workout mistakes that will undo the good you’ve just done.

~ After burning calories, why eat more calories than you just burned when you get home? Choose a healthy meal that will replenish carbs & protein. Here are some examples:
PROTEINS-Low fat & low salt lunch meats (turkey, chicken breast, ham), tuna & chicken salad with low-fat mayo (very little), beans, egg white omelet with vegetables.
CARBS-Nothing white- no white bread, white rice or white potatoes. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta or bread are your best choices. Also cereals with low sugar & made with whole grain is a great choice because its a carb with a low saturated fat count. Pouring a little lowfat milk will add great benefits as well. Watch out for the “protein bars”, many have more sugar than imagineable. Pasta is a great source of carbs to replenish energy & mixing with a protein & some vegetables will add a healthier dose of nutrients.

PROTEIN SHAKES-These are a great way to refuel your body & help build your muscles. Whey protein is absorbed around 100% but only when mixed with smart choices. Adding a banana, peanut butter, oatmeal & milk can add up to more calories than you actually burned. Stick to whey protein with water & ice. Nothing else is necessary.

STAY AWAY FROM SPORTS DRINKS- a sports drink could cost you between 250-350 calories, really? I think I would rather eat those wasted calories … Ben & Jerrys perhaps? Just kidding 🙂

Just some other quick tips to remember post-workout-
~Wash your hands immediately. The gym is one of the places where you will find the most germs. Yoga mats & dumbbells aren’t cleaned as often as you would like, keep a towel close by & always lay down on the towel. Try & be considerate of others & wipe down your cardio machine once you are done with your workout.
~Don’t stay in your sweaty gym clothes after your workout. First off, it feels gross. It could also weaken your immune system if you walk into the chilly breeze with your damp/wet clothing. Body acne is also a big factor to get those dirty clothes off. If your headed out post-workout, pack a small bag with a change of clothes.
~Don’t skip the stretching. Lots of people leave group fitness classes early during the cooldown. This is one of the most important parts of your workout. Its essential to your workout to stretch before & after ALWAYS. This is the time you allow your heartrate to slowly return to normal. By stretching your muscles, you can prevent the soreness you will feel in days following & will help avoid injury.

Enjoy that workout & drink up!!